<p>"Well documented and theoretically sophisticated, this book is a must for all those interested in the independence claims raised in Catalonia and Scotland over the last decade. The authors analyse both cases with a comparative lens while contextualizing the regional secession processes within the framework of European integration. Does the EU facilitate or impede regional secession in the member states? The book's answer is multifaceted as it raises sensitive debates on democracy and self-determination, understood as contestation and politicization vis-à-vis the respective state (Spain and UK)".</p><p><em>Esther Barbé, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals</em></p><p>"This is an acute analysis of the dilemmas facing Catalan and Scottish nationalists in reconciling nation, state and Europe. It is carefully researched and up to date."</p><p><em>Michael Keating, Emeritus Professor of Politics, University of Aberdeen</em></p>