A towering achievement. There is simply nothing like it in the history of Black radical thought
- Cornel West,
Cedric Robinson's brilliant analyses revealed new ways of thinking and acting
- Angela Davis,
I can say, without a trace of hyperbole, that this book changed my life.
- Robin Kelley,
<i>Black Marxism</i> shattered the taken-for-granted of understanding the modern world, allowing us to see the racist nature of capitalism. There are very few books that transform how we have to approach the world and <i>Black Marxism</i> is one of them
- Kehinde Andrews,
A handbook for a new generation of radicals and activists ... Robinson's work helpfully points to the tension in Marxism between the march towards progress and the spontaneous character of revolution... offers a sense of belonging and a means of imagining a common future
- Kevin Okoth, London Review of Books