This volume is edited by one current and one former senior official at the US Air Force Counterproliferation Center. Contributors are former military personnel and analysts from conservative think tanks specializing in weapons of mass destruction (WMD) issues. The book comprehensively reviews the broad range of issues associated with addressing the threats posed by various types of WMDs. Appendixes and extensive footnotes also include considerable useful information regarding the evolution of policies to counter WMDs….Important for specialized collections on the military, but not a book for generalists. Recommended. General readers, lower-division undergraduates through practitioners.
The editors and other contributors assess US efforts to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and explore outstanding issues, largely from a military perspective. Twelve essays discuss possible connections between WMD and terrorism, progress in military counterforce capability (the ability to target WMD infrastructure), missile defense, passive defense, consequence management, counter-WMD concepts of operation at US and allied air bases, and counterproliferation cooperation with allies.
Reference & Research Book News
[A] top pick for college-level audiences studying military and political history and social issues. Essays focus on arms control treaties, programs, deterrence concepts, and risk management alike as they gather essays written by experts in their fields to help readers understand the threat and containment efforts of WMD. From implications of stealth and counteroffensive practices to passive and active defenses and homeland security issues, <i>Avoiding the Abyss</i> is a 'must' for any college-level reader.
Midwest Book Review - California Bookwatch