Vital read for thinking about one of the principle agents of the new world disorder.
- Dr. James Jay Carafano, Vice President, Heritage Foundation,
An essential and hugely welcome guide to understanding the myriad of armed groups that now operate in an era where irregular warfare is the norm.
- Theo Farrell, University of London,
This volume provides an interesting and insightful view of how todayâs armed groups have become a real threat to the international community. Peter Thompson uses international relations theory to give a broad tour of the key aspects of modern armed groups. He not only analyzes their organization and capabilities, but also understands their role as main actors and profiteers in globalization and the manner in which they address the four fundamental issues that affect every group of this type, regardless of ideology or purpose. The author provides an academic framework and clear wording to prepare 'the student, the analyst and the policy maker to take a more rigorous approach to analyzing armed groups, with the aim of understanding the real threats the United States and others face and the way those threats manifest themselves'. This text should also be read by practitioners, since it fills in the many gaps left at the tactical level in addressing the connection between the various levels of defense management and security policy.
- General Carlos Ospina, Former Commander Colombian Armed Forces,