Biographical note
Terry L. Cooper is the Maria B. Crutcher Professor in Citizenship and Democratic Values at the University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy. Cooper’s research focuses on civic engagement and public ethics. He is the director of the USC Civic Engagement Initiative and the author of The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role, 6th ed. (Jossey-Bass, 2012) and An Ethic of Citizen[1]ship for Public Administration (Prentice Hall, 1991). In addition, Cooper is the editor of the Handbook of Administrative Ethics, 2d ed. (Marcel Dekker, 2001) and the co-editor of Exemplary Public Administrators (Jossey-Bass, 1992). He has published numerous articles in scholarly journals, including Public Administration Review, Administration & Society, and the American Review of Public Administration. His current research is on the homeowner association movement in China as an emerging expression of civil society in that country.