Biographical note
Dr Elizabeth (Lizzie) Knight is a Research Fellow at the Centre for International Research on Education Systems (Melbourne, Australia). Her research areas include provision of career information, higher vocational education, transitions to tertiary education and the nature of graduate employment and employability. A key area of interest is equity of access to and in tertiary education, the provision of institutional information and support for transition into post-school education. Lizzie has also been a professional careers counsellor for 10 years. She worked for the Ministerial Company Education Services Australia (ESA) as the subject matter expert on the Australian National Career Information Service website between 2015-2020, and has trained careers counsellors and teachers in every state and territory in Australia. She acts as the Research Advisor for the Career Industry Council of Australia and sits on the executive of the Australian Vocational Education Research Association.
Dr Belgin Okay-Somerville is a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow (Scotland, UK). She is a work psychologist by training. Her research focuses on understanding career development, skill utilisation and wellbeing at work, particularly of new entrants to labour markets and young workers. Her published work focuses on the interplay between career agency and labour market structures on new entrants’ employability, wellbeing and employment outcomes. She is an academic member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, the Academy of Management and the European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology. Belgin is a Senior Editor at Career Development International and an associate editor at EWOP In Practice and Europe's Journal of Psychology.