Fasching-Varner (Louisiana State Univ.) examines the preparation of white teachers, a complex, challenging topic given that the majority of the teaching force is white while the school-age population is increasingly nonwhite. The author positions his work within critical race theory and white racial identity theory and provides an extensive review of the literature to establish a helpful frame of reference. The study seeks to address three gaps in the literature: how white pre-service teachers and white teacher educator researchers come to terms with their own whiteness; the transition of teachers from pre- to in-service relative to these teacher's sense and understanding of white racial identity; and how white racial identity models can be used as a means of analyzing and explicating the nature of individual white people. Drawing on rich, interesting, and difficult interview and auto-ethnographic data, Fasching-Varner argues that participants utilized white racial bonding through various discourses as a means of discussing and negotiating the topic of race. In addition, the author found that pre-service teachers exhibited racial "dysconsciousness" about their rationales for why they have decided to become teachers. This book should generate important conversations about race in order to improve schooling for all children. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduate, graduate, research, and professional collections.
In this important new book by Kenneth Fasching-Varner, we not only hear the voices and stories of teachers that ring with familiarity, investment, and conflict âwe also gain compelling insight into the troubling discourses of race and Whiteness that have long framed teaching and teachers. Read and discuss this book today.
- Kevin Kumashiro, dean,University of San Francisco School of Education, author of "Bad Teacher!: How Blaming Teachers Distorts the Bigger Picture",
Working through Whiteness: Examining White Racial Identity and Profession with Pre-Service Teachers by Kenneth Fasching-Varner is an honest, unflinching study of the racial narratives of white pre-service teachers. Dr. Fasching-Varner builds on critical race scholarship, laying bare and employing concepts such as counter-storytelling, whiteness as property, expansive and restricted anti-discrimination, white identity development, and more, to reveal the ways that color-blindness and dysconscious racism (naivety about racismâs predominance in our world) thwarts teachersâ abilities to become culturally relevant and to break the system of beliefs and teaching practices that perpetuate the educational debt, the so-called racial achievement gap. Using theories of white racial identity and the auto-ethnography of his own life trajectory as a white male, Fasching-Varner examines the processes and workings of white identity of his studyâs participants and finds that an expanded model is needed to account for the nature of white individuals and whites as a connected group in the system of privileged whiteness. In his recommendations for teacher education programs, teacher educators and pre-service teachers, we find that change is possible, through contextualized, intentional, selective approaches that complement the reality of our particular classroom settings, where teachers teach in a meaningful and culturally relevant manner.  Read this book, be inspired and informed.
- Elaine Richardson, Professor of Literacy Studies, Ohio State University,
Working through Whiteness: Examining White Racial Identity and Profession with Pre-service Teachers reverses the gaze in discussions about raciality and racism in education by focusing on brokers of power and privilege instead of the victimized, as is often the case. The gaze is penetrating, compelling, sometimes disturbing, but always necessary in the struggle to achieve equity and justice in educational opportunities and outcomes for diverse underserved students. Compliments are due to the author for being courageous enough to reveal inconvenient and often unspeakable truths about Whiteness for and among the majority who teachâWhite teachers. In the process Fasching-Varner demonstrates the power of narratives as content and method for better preparing White teachers to understand their own raciality and its effects on how they relate to diverse students. This is a must read for White prospective and practicing teachers, as well as teacher educators.
- Geneva Gay, University of Washington,
Kenneth Fasching-Varner has done an immeasurable service with this volume. Academic yet accessible, Working Through Whiteness masterfully explores the way in which whites entering the teaching profession either have or (more problematically) have not critically explored their racial identities, and the consequences of their uninterrogated white lenses on the children of color who comprise a growing share of the students in their classrooms. All pre-service teachers should read it, as should anyone who cares about the creation of educational equity in the United States.
- Tim Wise, author of White Like Me and Between Barack and a Hard Place,