<p>Drawing from the expertise of scholars and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines, <i>Violence against Children: Making Human Rights Real</i> is the definitive resource for anyone seeking to understand and combat all forms of child maltreatment. Firmly rooted in a holistic, public health perspective, each chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the data and research relevant to different forms of violence, from physical and sexual abuse to poverty, homelessness, racism, and youth incarceration. The chapters also offer compelling proposals for prevention and intervention, covering policy, systemic and programmatic solutions. A major contribution to the field, and a critically important book.<br /><i>Patrick McCarthy, Ph. D., President and CEO, The Annie E. Casey Foundation</i></p><p>Taking stock of the international actions and lessons learned which are highlighted in this important book, it is evident that the international community needs to urgently shift action from reaction to prevention. Thus, the important contributions provided by renowned advocates and researchers are a compelling source of inspiration to advance our advocacy effort to end violence against children worldwide.<br /><i>Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Independent Expert for the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children</i></p><p>Experiences early in life have a powerful effect on the trajectory of brain and body development over the life course, both good and bad. <i>Violence Against Children</i> provides a compelling overview of the terrible negative impact of such violence worldwide, including the impact of poverty, homelessness and foster care, but also discussing the value of positive parenting and the resilience of the human being.<br /><i>Bruce S. McEwen, Alfred E. Mirsky Professor and Head, Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, Rockefeller University</i></p><p>Gertrud Lenzer has long been a noteworthy pioneer in the effort to redress the grievous social and moral epidemic of violence against children. The present collection of essays she has edited will help us all understand the dimensions of the problem and the ways we might address them. Bravo!<br /><i>Immanuel Wallerstein, Yale University</i></p><p>In <i>Violence against Children</i>: <i>Making Human Rights Real</i>, Gertrud Lenzer puts a welcome spotlight on the multi-national campaign to spare children from violence<i>. Making Human Rights Real</i> brings together scholars and human rights advocates who illuminate global progress since the United Nations and Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro challenged the world in 2006 with their World Report on Violence against Children. This superb volume examines violence—in all its forms--in different regions of the world. It provides thoughtful insights, diagnoses and prescriptions. <i>Making Human Rights Real</i> should be read by government officials, NGOs, the private sector—indeed, anyone who is committed to advancing human rights and reducing harm to the planet’s most vulnerable population.<br /><i>Robert G. Schwartz, Esq., Beck Chair in Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law; Executive Director Emeritus, Juvenile Law Center</i></p><p>Violence Against Children: Making Human Rights Real presents the inspiring perspective of some of the world’s leading advocates and scholars. It also ambitiously summarizes the state of the movement in much of the world, while also covering many of the key challenges for children’s rights advocates in the US. It should become an important touchstone for all those interested in making progress on this crucial topic.<br /><i>David Finkelhor, Director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center, Co-Director of the Family Research Laboratory and Professor of Sociology at the University of New Hampshire</i></p><p>Violence against children is one of the biggest challenges that we face in our collective efforts to create a world fit for children, and if the world is indeed serious about preventing and addressing violence against children, all stakeholders should treat the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child not as a "wish list" but as a "to-do list." The rich multi-disciplinary evidence proffered in this volume helps to move us in the direction of the latter. <br /><i>Professor Benyam Dawit Mezmur, University of the Western Cape, South Africa; Chair, the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child; Member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.</i></p>
<p>Drawing from the expertise of scholars and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines, <i>Violence against Children: Making Human Rights Real</i> is the definitive resource for anyone seeking to understand and combat all forms of child maltreatment. Firmly rooted in a holistic, public health perspective, each chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the data and research relevant to different forms of violence, from physical and sexual abuse to poverty, homelessness, racism, and youth incarceration. The chapters also offer compelling proposals for prevention and intervention, covering policy, systemic and programmatic solutions. A major contribution to the field, and a critically important book.<br /><i>Patrick McCarthy, Ph. D., President and CEO, The Annie E. Casey Foundation</i></p><p>Taking stock of the international actions and lessons learned which are highlighted in this important book, it is evident that the international community needs to urgently shift action from reaction to prevention. Thus, the important contributions provided by renowned advocates and researchers are a compelling source of inspiration to advance our advocacy effort to end violence against children worldwide.<br /><i>Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Independent Expert for the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children</i></p><p>Experiences early in life have a powerful effect on the trajectory of brain and body development over the life course, both good and bad. <i>Violence Against Children</i> provides a compelling overview of the terrible negative impact of such violence worldwide, including the impact of poverty, homelessness and foster care, but also discussing the value of positive parenting and the resilience of the human being.<br /><i>Bruce S. McEwen, Alfred E. Mirsky Professor and Head, Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, Rockefeller University</i></p><p>Gertrud Lenzer has long been a noteworthy pioneer in the effort to redress the grievous social and moral epidemic of violence against children. The present collection of essays she has edited will help us all understand the dimensions of the problem and the ways we might address them. Bravo!<br /><i>Immanuel Wallerstein, Yale University</i></p><p>In <i>Violence against Children</i>: <i>Making Human Rights Real</i>, Gertrud Lenzer puts a welcome spotlight on the multi-national campaign to spare children from violence<i>. Making Human Rights Real</i> brings together scholars and human rights advocates who illuminate global progress since the United Nations and Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro challenged the world in 2006 with their World Report on Violence against Children. This superb volume examines violence—in all its forms--in different regions of the world. It provides thoughtful insights, diagnoses and prescriptions. <i>Making Human Rights Real</i> should be read by government officials, NGOs, the private sector—indeed, anyone who is committed to advancing human rights and reducing harm to the planet’s most vulnerable population.<br /><i>Robert G. Schwartz, Esq., Beck Chair in Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law; Executive Director Emeritus, Juvenile Law Center</i></p><p>Violence Against Children: Making Human Rights Real presents the inspiring perspective of some of the world’s leading advocates and scholars. It also ambitiously summarizes the state of the movement in much of the world, while also covering many of the key challenges for children’s rights advocates in the US. It should become an important touchstone for all those interested in making progress on this crucial topic.<br /><i>David Finkelhor, Director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center, Co-Director of the Family Research Laboratory and Professor of Sociology at the University of New Hampshire</i></p><p>Violence against children is one of the biggest challenges that we face in our collective efforts to create a world fit for children, and if the world is indeed serious about preventing and addressing violence against children, all stakeholders should treat the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child not as a "wish list" but as a "to-do list." The rich multi-disciplinary evidence proffered in this volume helps to move us in the direction of the latter. <br /><i>Professor Benyam Dawit Mezmur, University of the Western Cape, South Africa; Chair, the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child; Member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.</i></p>
Biographical note
Gertrud Lenzer is Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Children’s Studies at The City University of New York. She has published widely in the fields of philosophy and the social sciences, children’s rights and children’s studies. In 1991, Lenzer was both the founder of the interdisciplinary field of Children’s Studies as well as the Founding Chair of the Sociology of Children Section of the American Sociological Association. Her current work includes an appointment to the 16-member New York State Advisory Committee to the US Commission on Civil Rights from 2015–2020.