<p><i>`Provide[s] a good overview of current family theory and research.... well written and worth having′ - <b>British Journal of Medical Psychology</b></i></p>
<p><i><b>`Altogether an excellent collection for students of social policy, social care or social work, covering as it does both subjective and objective features of family life and the logics of inequality within which they are embedded′ - <b>Child and Family Social Work</b></b></i></p>
<p><i><b><b>`The book provides an overview of major belief systems about the family, which are intelligently summarized, often with the use of thoughtfully selected excerpts from major source material. The final endnote, by Roger Sapsford, is particularly insightful as he identifies the problems that arise from trying to confine the family within the private sphere and neatly separating the private from the public aspects of family. Overall, this book is a constructive and comprehensive guide to understanding the family′ - <b>Population and Development Review</b></b></b></i></p>