“This thoughtful and measured volume carefully addresses long-standing tensions in feminist theorizing and activism between transnational practices and intersectionality in new and stimulating ways, identifying the many congruent avenues of inquiry and methodologies they share. Bringing together perspectives from the United States and the Global South, it provides a robust critique of the legacies of racism and colonialism.”
- Caren Kaplan, author of, Aerial Aftermaths: Wartime from Above
“This innovative collection charts clear paths toward a renewed and reinvigorated transnational feminist theory and practice, offering fresh empirical materials and indispensable theoretical tools for navigating today’s turbulent global political waters. Adjudicating the manifest tensions among postcolonial, decolonial, intersectional, and transnational approaches in provocative yet generative ways, the volume amply demonstrates why and how transnational feminism as an analytic and as an intellectual-political project must be brought back front and center in a feminist studies suitable for the mid-twenty-first century and beyond.”
- Sonia E. Alvarez, Leonard J. Horwitz Professor of Latin American Politics and Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst,
"<i>Transnational Feminist Itineraries</i> provides in-depth analyses of how borders, whether geographical or ideological, do not need to be barriers to collaborative action."
- Curtis J. Jewell, Community Literacy Journal
"This is an important scholarly project and this collection makes a significant contribution in having such studies interface with the analytic tradition of transnational feminism. . . . Assembling this fine collection of studies will move the conversation forward."
- Janet M. Conway, Gender & Society
"This is a volume for academics immersed in the politics of liberation. It offers much food for thought through its reach into diverse spaces, related actors, and their mutual impact. Transnational Feminist Itineraries is recommended for those in the behavioral sciences, gender studies, and as a tool for faculty mentoring dissertation students interested in the overarching topics addressed here."
- Yoly Zentella, Journal of Global South Studies
Biographical note
Ashwini Tambe is Professor and Director of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at George Washington University, and author of Defining Girlhood in India: A Transnational History of Sexual Maturity Laws.Millie Thayer is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and author of Making Transnational Feminism: Rural Women, NGO Activists, and Northern Donors in Brazil.