<p>This is a timely and thoughtful set of essays on citizenship’s bordered dimensions, with a particular focus on the European context. Addressing the production and defense of boundaries within various domains, including the market, civil society, the administrative state and at territorial frontiers, the collection highlights multiple ways in which regimes of citizenship divide and exclude precisely in the course of constituting collective social life. (<i>Linda Bosniak, Rutgers University</i>)</p><p>Over the last decade in the face of growing social and political instability, citizenship has been restored as a critical component of social solidarity. However, social solidarity based on citizenship involves an exclusionary principle and it is challenged by the contemporary crisis around migration, religious diversity and terrorism. National sovereignty and national boundaries have become problematic bases of inclusionary citizenship. This volume offers an authoritative overview of, and commentary on, these dilemmas of modern politics. (<i>Gerard Delanty, University of Sussex</i>)</p><p>By bringing together the study of citizenship and that of spatial, social and symbolic boundaries, this volume could not be more timely. Its various essays provide essential tools for understanding some of the most important political and social developments of the contemporary era. I highly recommend this book to anyone concerned with mounting challenges in Europe and beyond. (<i>Michèle Lamont, President, American Sociological Association</i>)</p>
Biographical note
Jürgen Mackert is Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Economics and the Social Sciences, and Co-Director of the Centre for Citizenship, Social Pluralism and Religious Diversity at Potsdam University, Germany.
Bryan S. Turner is a Professor in the Institute for Religion, Politics and Society the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne and the Director of the Centre for Citizenship, Social Pluralism and Religious Diversity at Potsdam University, Germany. He is the Max Planck Research Award Winner of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Max Planck Society 2015. He is Honorary Professor at Potsdam University, Germany.