Neither a cookbook nor a foodie memoir, Slow Food is nevertheless an important work... Petrini's work is both a philosophical treatise and a history of the movement all in one slim volume, yet it suffices. Library Journal (starred review) I always felt like Groucho Marx, who said he would never join a club that'd have him as a member, but Slow Food is far more spiritual, nay, religious, than any club (or religion, for that matter) I have been asked to join. Count me in. Carlo Petrini's Slow Food out-Prousts Proust, out-LaRousses LaRousse and out-Artusis Artusi and makes sense for the dreamers and doers of our times. -- Mario Batali Everyone who enjoys quality time with fine wines and food should enjoy this book. -- Robert Mondavi If eating is such an intimate, internal process, shouldn't we take the utmost care in selecting everything we consume? Petrini makes persuasive arguments for doing just that. -- Maria C. Hunt San Diego Tribune Petrini writes with a seasoned eye for telling detail, and a willingness to provide shocking sweets for his presumed anti-globalization readership...At 155 pages, Slow Food may tempt you to race through it, eager to get to the appendices with mouthwatering examples of products to die for...and descriptions of exotic delicacies from around the world. The 'Slow Read' movement advises you to take your time. -- Carlin Romano Philadelphia Inquirer Petrini tells the story of the movement's origins and successes inSlow Food: The Case for Taste... The book also outlines the philosophy behind good eating. Bell'Italia Magazine "Petrini--an Italian whose charming prose ripples with gustatory rapture and thrasonical outbursts--pleads with us to slow down" -- Mark Winne In These Times