<i>'The Research Handbook brings together contributions from leading international experts within the field of the sociology of the family, drawing on disciplinary backgrounds in theoretical and empirical sociology, demography, economics, political science and wider social sciences. By providing a comprehensive overview of the key issues and debates within contemporary European family sociology, ranging from the gendered division of work within families, intimate and intergenerational relationships, through to the role of family policies and different welfare regimes, it will be critical reading for all scholars interested in how families are coping and how they are evolving. The list of contributors reads like a ''who’s who'' and the book will rightly gain a place on the bookshelves of family researchers, practitioners and policy makers across the globe.'</i>
- Jane Falkingham, University of Southampton, UK,
<i>'The contributors to this book are an impressive group of scholars who have conducted leading research on European families. Individual chapters provide clear and comprehensive roadmaps to an extensive variety of topics in family research. Especially impressive are several thoughtful discussions of classic and emerging theory that should be required reading for anyone embarking on a sociological study of family life. A particular strength of the theoretical discussions and research reviews is their engagement with innovative understandings of gender in families and societies.'</i>
- Elizabeth Thomson, Stockholm University, Sweden and University of Wisconsin-Madison, US,