<i>‘A rich 15-chapter collection from key thinkers in the field ensures this volume will be a beacon for navigating understanding on the diversity of social innovation and creating new impulses for future research. Perceptive organization of the collection brings deep insights on the historical and theoretical foundations, ecosystem and actor constellations, and framework conditions and infrastructures, to critically assess and advance new practices in a post-Pandemic world. A must-read for academics and practitioners alike.’</i>
- – Anne de Bruin, Massey University, New Zealand,
<i>‘We will not change the world for the better by waiting for the state or the market to change the world for us. We need to change our social practice. The multiplication and scaling up of hundreds of social innovations, in all walks of life, everywhere in the world, will be the critical main element to tackle our grand challenges. This being so, this book does exactly what is needed now. It takes stock of Social Innovation as an academic field and as an empirical phenomenon; and it outlines the research agenda of the future. This edition is refreshingly diverse and reflective on the challenges for academics and practitioners. World leading experts from all corners of the globe and – importantly – from a diverse range of disciplines reflect on how to better understand and enable social innovation. This is also a huge credit to the editors and confirms their front-running role in this rather new field of research. This book will be essential for research and teaching in innovation and transition studies and social science more generally and it will help to frame the field for years to come.’</i>
- Jakob Edler, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI and Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, UK,