′Torrance offers the field a rich and expansive set of readings. His intervention is bold in its claims, conservative in its approach. It will most certainly serve its readers well-new as well as seasoned researchers and scholars. It will also call up new audiences, at the intersections between education and qualitative research′ - <b><i>Greg Dimitriadis, University of Buffalo, SUNY</i></b>
This four-volume set is part of the Fundamentals of Applied Research series and sits alongside Stephen Gorard′s major reference collection Quantitative Research Methods in Education. It brings together seminal and cutting edge articles on qualitative research internationally, and shows how the field has developed in influence in recent years. The use of qualitative research methods in educational research has a long and distinguished history, both in the UK and internationally. Importantly, this major reference collection reviews the ongoing debates and various issues about qualitative methods and the contribution they make to understanding educational issues. The set also comprises a timely analysis of the contribution which qualitative methods have made and can continue to make to understanding educational issues.
The volumes review the methodological arguments for using qualitative methods, including critiques and rejoinders; place these arguments in appropriate historical and epistemological contexts with respect to the development of qualitative methods in congruent disciplines including anthropology, psychology and sociology; and identify key examples of leading substantive work which illustrate the various issues at stake and the major achievements of qualitative inquiry in education.
Each volume includes an original introduction written by the Harry Torrance, a key figure in the field of education research methods, delineating the theme for the volume and the importance of the contribution of the individual papers and the volume as a whole.
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This collection of seminal articles is a major resource in the developing field of qualitative research and illustrates how these methods contribute to the comprehension of educational issues.
Part A: Theoretical Tributaries from Anthropology, Sociology and Social Psychology
Thick Description: Towards an interpretive theory of culture - Clifford Geertz
Extracts from Symbolic Interactionism: perspective and method - Herbert Blumer
Extracts from Collected Papers 1: The problems of social reality - Alfred Schutz
Extracts from Studies in Ethnomethodology - Harold Garfinkel
Extracts from The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - Erving Goffman
Part B: Case Study, Ethnography and Evaluation
Extracts from Boys in White: Student culture in medical school - Howard Becker, Blanche Geer, Everett Hughes and Anselm Strauss
Extracts from The Man in the Principal′s Office - Harry Wolcott
Structuring School Structure - Hugh Mehan
Extracts from Social Relations in a Secondary School - David Hargreaves
Extracts from ′Problems of Sociological Fieldwork: A review of the methodology of Hightown Grammar′ - Colin Lacey
Extracts from Beachside Comprehensive - Stephen Ball
The Countenance of Educational Evaluation - Robert Stake
Evaluation and the Control of Education - Barry MacDonald
The Conduct of Educational Case Study: Ethics, theory and procedures - Rob Walker
The Study Method in Social Inquiry - Robert Stake
The Imagination of the Case and the Invention of the Study - Stephen Kemmis
Evaluation as Illumination: A new approach to the study of innovatory programmes - Malcolm Parlett and David Hamilton
The Teacher as Researcher - Lawrence Stenhouse
Extracts from Fourth Generation Evaluation - Egon Guba and Yvonna Lincoln
The Deliberative Democratic View - Ernest House and Kenneth Howe
Qualitative Research Traditions: A review - Evelyn Jacob
Qualitative Research Traditions: A British response to Jacob - Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont and Martyn Hammersley
Critical Ethnography in Education: Origins, current status and new directions - Gary Anderson
Part A: Other Contributory Social Scientific Traditions
Extracts from Class, Codes and Control - Basil Bernstein
Extracts from ′The Forms of Capital′ - Pierre Bourdieu
Extracts from ′An Approach to the Study of Curricula as Socially Organised Knowledge′ - Michael Young
Feminisms and Education - Gaby Weiner
Extracts from Common Knowledge: The development of understanding in the classroom - Derek Edwards and Neil Mercer
Text and Discourse in Education: An introduction to critical discourse analysis - Allan Luke
Thinking and Learning in Social Context - Barbara Rogoff
Extracts from Situated Learning: Legitimate peripheral participation - Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger
Extracts from Discourse and Cognition - Derek Edwards
Beyond Developmentalism - Valerie Walkerdine
Part B: Developing the Political, Ethical, Epistemological and Emancipatory Implications of Qualitative Approaches
Extracts from Action Research for Educational Change - John Elliott
Research as Praxis - Patti Lather
Post-Structural Feminism in Education: An overview - Elizabeth Adams St.Pierre
The Problem of Speaking for Others - Linda Alcoff
Transformative Approaches to Student Voice: Theoretical underpinnings, recalcitrant realities - Michael Fielding
Silence Speaks: Whiteness revealed in the absence of voice - Lisa Mazzei
Disability Research and the ′Researcher Template′: Reflections on grounded subjectivity in ethnographic research - Dan Goodley
Gazing with Intent: Ethnographic practice in classrooms - Tuula Gordon et al
What′s Race Got to Do with It? Critical Race Theory′s conflicts with and connections to qualitative research methodology and epistemology - Laurence Parker and Marvin Lynn
Writing the ′Wrongs′ of Fieldwork: Confronting our own research writing dilemmas in urban ethnographies - Michelle Fine and Lois Weis
On Tricky Ground: Researching the native in the age of uncertainty - Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Rhizovocality - Alecia Youngblood Jackson
Extracts from Performance Ethnography: Critical pedagogy and the politics of culture - Norman Denzin
The Bone in the Throat: Some uncertain thoughts on baroque method - Maggie MacLure
Part A: Social Scientific Topics and Issues
Extracts from Life in Classrooms - Philip Jackson
A Model of Classroom Coping Strategies - Andrew Pollard
Coping at School through Humour - Peter Woods
Extracts from Learning to Labour: How working class kids get working class jobs - Paul Willis
Deadlier than the Male? Girls′ conformity and deviance in school - Lewes Davies
Cherokee School Society and the Intercultural Classroom - Robert Dumont and Murray Wax
Empowerment and Cultural Conflict: Navajo parents and the schooling of their children - Donna Deyhle
The Silenced Dialogue: Power and pedagogy in educating other people′s children - Lisa Delpit
Beyond the White Norm: The use of qualitative methods in the study of black youth′s schooling in England - Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
Flexible Identities: Exploring race and gender issues among a group of immigrant pupils in an inner-city comprehensive school - Naz Rassool
Who is ′Us′? Students negotiating discourses of racism and national indentification in Australia - Julie McLeod and Lyn Yates
I Don′t Need This: Acts of transgression by students with special educational needs - Julie Allan
Sex-Gender-Sexuality: How sex, gender and sexuality constellations are constituted in secondary school - Deborah Youdell
Becoming Schoolgirls: The ambivalent project of subjectification - Bronwyn Davies et al
The Question of Belief: Writing post-structural ethnography - Deborah Britzman
Part B: Investigating Education Policy and Practice
Extracts from The Man in the Principal′s Office - Harry Wolcott
The Reconstruction of Primary Teachers′ Identities - Peter Woods and Bob Jeffrey
Good School/Bad School: Paradox and fabrication - Stephen Ball
"I′ll be a Nothing": Structure, agency and the construction of identity through assessment - Diane Reay and Dylan Wiliam
Extracts from High Stakes Education - Pauline Lipman
Investigating Formative Classroom Assessment - Harry Torrance and John Pryor
Education Change over Time? The sustainability and nonsustainability of three decades of secondary school change and continuity - Andy Hargreaves and Ivor Goodson
Extracts from Action Research: A methodology for change and development - Bridget Somekh
Representing Teachers - Ivor Goodson
Storying Schools: Issues around attempts to create a sense of feel and place in narrative research writing - Pat Sikes
Visual Methods and the Visual Culture of Schools - Jon Prosser
Multimodal Ethnography - Bella Dicks et al
Ethnography and Data Re-use: Issues of context and hypertext - Bella Dicks et al
Multiple Methods in Qualitative Research with Children: More insight or just more? - Philip Darbyshire, Colin MacDougal and Wendy Schiller
Developing an Emancipatory Research Agenda: Possibilities and dilemmas - Len Barton
Ethics, Institutional Review Boards and the Changing Face of Educational Research - Kenneth Howe and Katharine Dougherty
Qualitative Research and Institutional Review Boards - Yvonna Lincoln and William Tierney
Ethics and Ethnography - Paul Atkinson
Research Ethical Guidelines and Anonymity - Geoffrey Walford
Rethinking Ethics Review as Institutional Discourse - Christine Halse and Anne Honey
′Caught in the Act′: Ethics committee review and researching the sexual culture of schools - Louisa Allen
′Reading′ the Nursery Classroom: A Foucauldian perspective - Liz Jones and Tony Brown
Deterritorializations: Putting postmodernism to work on teacher education and inclusion - Julie Allan
Beyond ′Emotional Literacy′ in Feminist and Educational Research - Erica Burman
Scientific Culture and Educational Research - Michael Feuer, Lisa Towne and Richard Shavelson
Culture, Rigor and Science in Educational Research - Frederick Erickson and Kris Gutierrez
This IS your Father′s Paradigm: Government intrusion and the case of qualitative research in education - Patti Lather
The Issue of Quality in Qualitative Research - Martyn Hammersley
Systematic Research Synthesis to Inform Policy, Practice and Democratic Debate - David Gough and Diana Elbourne
′Clarity Bordering on Stupidity′: Where′s the quality in systematic review? - Maggie MacLure
Synthesis Through Meta-Ethnography: Paradoxes, enhancements and possibilities - Lynn Doyle
How Can Systematic Reviews Incorporate Qualitative Research? A critical perspective - Mary Dixon-Woods et al
Building Confidence in Qualitative Research: Engaging the demands of policy - Harry Torrance
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