Biographical note
Heidemarie Winkel is Professor of Sociology at Bielefeld University and Senior Research Associate at St. Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge. Her current research areas are transcultural gender sociology and global sociology of religion with a particular interest in knowledge production from a postcolonial perspective, notions of equality, and selected Arab societies. A recent publication is Global Historical Sociology and Connected Gender Sociologies: On the Re-Nationalization and Coloniality of Gender, InterDisciplines 2, 89–134 (2018).
Angelika Poferl is Professor of General Sociology at TU Dortmund University, Germany. Her research interests include theories of modernity, reflexive modernisation and globalisation, sociology of knowledge and culture, qualitative methods of social research, and analysis of contemporary societies. Among her publications is a book coedited with Ulrich Beck, Great Poverty, Great Wealth: On the Transnationalisation of Social Inequalities (2010).