“If for no other reason than that the circulation of racialized power has been and is fractured, multi-faceted, contradictory, and continual, then this collection would be valuable in its attention to the accumulation of the political and disciplinary effects of whiteness. The particular strength of this attention is magnified by the combination of work herein that originates in both academic and other than academic sites. And it is brave work; it proceeds without guarantees of its own outcome, without knowing what questions it might settle.”—Wahneema Lubiano, Duke University
“This very powerful volume touches many nerves in contemporary cultural politics. Its collected essays take various perspectives and collectively—and sometimes individually—engage various contradictions. It’s a disturbing, engaging, sometimes frustrating, deeply affecting book.”—Kathleen Stewart, author of <i>A Space on the Side of the Road: Cultural Poetics in an “Other” America</i>
Biographical note
Birgit Brander Rasmussen is Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity, Race and Migration at Yale University. She is the co-editor of The Making and Unmaking of Whiteness (Duke, 2001).
Eric Klinenberg is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University.
Irene J. Nexica is an independent scholar who studies popular music and culture.
Matt Wray is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.