<p><i>‘Localizing Global Sport forDevelopment </i>is an exceptional account oflongitudinal sport for development (SfD) projects in the Zambian communities ofChawama and Lusaka, through the SfD organizations, EduSport, and Sport inAction.’<br />RobbieMatz, University of Georgia – Sport Management & Policy, InternationalReview for the Sociology of Sport</p>
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Biographical note
Iain Lindsey is Lecturer in Sport Policy in the School of Applied Social Sciences at Durham University
Tess Kay is Professor of Sport and Social Sciences and Theme Leader of Welfare, Health and Wellbeing at Brunel University London
Ruth Jeanes is Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching and Community Development in the Faculty of Education at Monash University
Davies Banda is Senior Teaching Fellow in Sport Management and Sport Development within the Institute of Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences at the University of Edinburgh’s Moray House School of Education