“Like snowflakes on your tongue, Gone Gone melts into the work of mourning. Moving in its minimalism, evocative in its questing of the mass casualty event that the opioid overdose death crisis has morphed into, the book insistently asks, who are the gone gone and how are they still with us?”
- Nancy D. Campbell, author of, OD: Naloxone and the Politics of Overdose
“There is something altogether raw and candid and poignant in Todd Meyers’s writing. He is crafting some of the most creative and significant writing in contemporary anthropology.”
- Robert Desjarlais, Professor of Anthropology, Sarah Lawrence College,
“In Gone Gone, Todd Meyers looks with the lyrical, attentive eye of the poet: we are invited into the sacred places of grief and move through love’s living resting places. The critical devotion at play here is moving, striking, affecting: I was changed by this book.”
- Jenn Ashworth, author of, Notes Made While Falling
“Here is a new language for grief, for tragedy, for the things about which we should rightfully be outraged, but which have come to feel grimly routine. Gone Gone is a book that has stayed with me; a book that deserves to stay with us all.”
- Sam Byers, author of, Come Join Our Disease