'...accessible not only because of the language, but also because of style. The book is very readable, and could well function as a textbook for Italianists or South Europeanists of different persuasions. ... Goddard's method of discussing economic, political and social issues together with issues usually defined as 'cultural' will hopefully attract a large number of non-anthropologists to read the book, as well as convincing fellow anthropologists of the relevance of 'macro' issues for the study of culture. ...An additional strength of (the) book is the author's ability and willingness to discuss and draw insights from very different research traditions and fields...'South European Society & Politics'Because of its theme, the book spans several disciplines and concerns: anthropology and ethnography of the Mediterranean and of cities, social development, history, and women's studies. It is in reconciling these different disciplinary strands that the book has its main stren