Everyone Eats is anthropology at its best, an exceptional blend of biological and cultural explanation that reveals our relationship with food and eating. Anderson's personal ethnographic experience as a nutritional anthropologist among cultures from around the world will leave the reader with a sense of wonderment about the fundamental human act of eating. Throughout the book Anderson develops a deep social conscience about the problems of overand under-nutritionthat face the world today
- Barrett P. Brenton,Associate Editor of The Encyclopedia of Food and Culture,
Anderson's view of the relationship between the biological and the cultural is nicely provocative, and his rich personal fieldwork experiences greatly enliven the pages of Everyone Eats.
- Sidney W. Mintz,author of Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom: Excursions into Eating, Culture, and the Past,
Plenty of cultural insights and background history lend to a survey particularly recommended for college-level students of anthropology and social science.
The Bookwatch, The Midwest Book Review
Anderson’s book is a solid introduction to the anthropology of food for students and general readers. It is clear, well-written, spiced with interesting examples, and illustrated with many evocative photographs taken by the author and by Barbara Anderson.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Although intended for the general public and not as a textbook, this book is recommended for higher education, especially advanced courses