<i>‘Bringing together a diverse set of authors of distinguished pedigree, this collection provides an authoritative survey of theories of the employment relationship. Classical theories of work and employment are fully represented, with excellent chapters on Marxism, pluralism, feminism, human relations, labour process and systems theory, but so too are newer theoretical currents, many of which have their point of origin in the broader field of management studies. There are strong chapters on trust, role theory, evolution, paradox, social exchange, RBV and AMO: bodies of thought that are generating fresh understandings of employment and how it is managed. The collection as a whole is an invaluable resource for students, teachers and researchers; a broad-ranging and imaginative survey of how we think about work.’</i>
- Edmund Heery, Cardiff University, UK,
<i>‘What is wonderful about this book is that in one place you can find all the prominent theories of HR and employment relations. The individual chapters are outstanding, which is what I would have expected from a stellar editorial team and first-rate contributors. A must-read for anybody interested in human resource management.’</i>
- Sir Cary Cooper, CBE, University of Manchester, UK,