A fine contribution to the field of education governance ... it certainly makes for a great introductory text for postgraduate, doctoral, and early career researchers, as asserted in the series editor’s foreword, but such is its merit, I feel, that it is an appropriate read for even the most advanced and celebrated scholars ... The greatest strength of this book is that it will encourage readers to consider the interests, motives, and intentions of those in power- there is ample evidence in this book to give cause for concern.
Journal of Education Policy
Reading these chapters ... I had the impression that I was in a room packed with extremely knowledgeable researchers, each with an important piece of the jigsaw which would contribute to our understanding of the trajectory of global education governance. That they have given us insight into their research toolbox, with which we can go on to explore our own interests in this area, is to be highly commended. The book is a valuable contribution to this area of research.
Management in Education
An important contribution to the literature on governance ... This book will be useful not only to researchers in this area, but also to post-graduate researchers and undergraduates who are working towards the end of their degrees as well as a wider audience interested in the impacts of governance on educational policy and practice.
Educational Review
Covering algorithmic control, digital governance, machine learning, the corporate parasitisation of service provision, assessment as both regulation and accountability, performance and performativity, hegemony, signallage and disorientation, and actors and agency, this is an invaluable toolkit for educators, educational researchers and activists, in understanding the methodological implementation of neoliberal governance.
Richard Hall, Professor of Education and Technology, De Montfort University, UK
A crisis in economically and politically just forms of education governance provides the backdrop for this collection’s consideration of social theory. This is a thought-provoking and stimulating collection that positions education governance as a powerful mechanism for working through this crisis towards fostering more democratic and equal societies. It provides new ways of understanding and interpreting both the problematics and possibilities of the data, evaluation, knowledge and institutional regimes that govern education. It is highly significant in moving theorising in this space forward and a must read for educators, scholars and researchers in the field of education governance.
Amanda Keddie, Professor of Education, Deakin University, Australia
“Education governance” often gets kicked around in policy and reform circles, treated generically and atheoretically, with little thought given to assumptions undergirding the concept. It is not often that such a set of first-rate scholars can be convened to direct their expertise towards such a deep concern. Yet Wilkins and Olmedo have assembled a stellar group of papers from leading theoreticians and researchers to shine some light on this issue. This volume will be the go-to source for serious thinking on education governance for the foreseeable future.
Christopher Lubienski, Professor of Education Policy, Indiana University, USA
As the editors note in their lucid and engaging introduction to this wide-ranging book, governance has been enjoying a growing popularity in social and educational research and writing; yet it is not always clear to the uninitiated reader quite what the term ‘governance’ signifies. This timely and logically-structured collection comes to the rescue of such readers, with clearly written and accessible contributions from cutting-edge international scholars that locate governance in wider conceptual and theoretical networks and illustrate its critical purchase through case studies of policy and practice. As such, the book will serve as an invaluable resource for novice researchers looking for an authoritative pedagogic resource, as well as for established academics seeking inspiration, providing both groups with an essential point of reference in social and educational research for years to come.
Matthew Clarke, Professor of Education, York St. John University, UK
This book is a must-read for academics interested in ‘education governance’ as an area of research and an object of critical inquiry.
Scottish Educational Review