’This is a remarkable book. The analysis combines multiple perspectives and approaches and develops a coherent framework for five European case studies. How can the growing toleration of dual nationality be explained? Will this trend be reversed as more and more states view migration as a security threat? Anybody interested in these questions will have to read this book.’ Rainer Bauböck, European University Institute, Italy ’This study is characterized by its transformation of the traditional perspectives on citizenship and by the coherent analyses of five case studies, each of which follows a consistent pattern. These two features make possible not only revealing comparisons between countries, but a re-examination of paths in the development of thinking concerning dual citizenship.’ Robert Gould, European Studies, Carleton University, Canada ’...this well-researched and thoughtful book contributes significantly to an understanding of (particularly Western) European policies of belonging and exclusion.’ Translocations 'How accepted is the phenomenon of dual citizenship across Europe? Whereas traditionally the simultaneous membership of two, or even more, polities was widely regarded as an anomaly within the international state system, legislative changes in an increasing number of European states over the past decades signify a more tolerant attitude towards dual citizenship. This volume aims to assess and explain this trend comparatively, and presents the results of a collaborative research effort between researchers from Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Turkey and Poland, under-taken over the period from 2002 until 2005...All five cases, in different ways, very nicely illustrate the path-dependent and negotiated character of citizenship' Political Studies Review