The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The era of team science has long since dawned. However, in order for the individual members of a team to work well, research organizations need to provide a productive and naturally non-discriminatory working environment. Bringing together and integrating researchers and their diverse backgrounds in effective teams does not happen on its own. To harness the positive effects of diversity, it must be understood and managed proactively. The edited collection Diversity and Discrimination in Research Organizations provides researchers with empirical studies on the question of whether and to what extent the social identity of the academic workforce affects their individual integration in research organizations. Practitioners receive guidance and suggestions on possible starting points and requirements for programmes to improve equal opportunities and work climate in their research organizations. The articles can be roughly divided into two categories according to the guiding questions of this edited collection: macro studies surveying the extent of discrimination and harassment in research organizations and micro studies exploring the influence of the specific cultural contextual conditions of the academic workplace on experiences of discrimination and harassment related to the diversity of the workforce.
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The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Diversity and Discrimination in Research Organizations considers whether and to what extent the social identity of the academic workforce affects their individual integration in research organizations.
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Introduction Chapter 1. Diversity and Discrimination in Research Organizations: Theoretical Starting Points; Jörg Müller, Clemens Striebing, and Martina Schraudner Part I. Empirical findings of discrimination in research organizations Chapter 2. The Psychological Work Climate of Researchers: Gender, Nationality, and their Interaction with Career Level and Care for Children in a large German Research Organization; Clemens Striebing Chapter 3. Workplace Bullying in Academia: Interaction of Gender, Nationality, Age, and Work Context of Scientific and Non-Scientific Employees in a Large German Research Organization; Clemens Striebing Chapter 4. Exploring Gender Aspects of Self-Reported Bullying and Sexual Discrimination; Clemens Striebing Chapter 5. The hidden problem: Sexual harassment and violence in German higher education; Heike Pantelmann and Tanja Wälty Chapter 6. Eliminating Bullying in the University: The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Hostile & Intimidating Behavior Policy; Jennifer Sheridan, Russell Dimond, Tammera Klumpyan, Heather M. Daniels, Michael Bernard-Donals, Russell Kutz, and Amy E. Wendt Chapter 7. Gender Differences in the Scientific Achievement of Social Sciences and Impact Factors: A Survey Study of Researchers in the Social Sciences in Vietnam; Huu Minh Nguyen, Thi Hong Tran, and Thi Thanh Loan Tran Part II: Cultural context conditions of academia for diversity and discrimination Chapter 8. Beliefs about Gender and Meritocracy and the Evaluation of Sexual Harassment in a University Research Setting; Julie Kmec, Lindsey Trimble O'Connor, and Shekinah Hoffman Chapter 9. Managerial discourse as neutralizer? The influence of the concealment of social categories on the experience of workplace bullying in research organizations; Agnès Vandevelde-Rougale and Patricia Guerrero Morales Chapter 10. Perceiving Diversity – An Explorative Approach in a Complex Research Organisation; Linda Steuer-Dankert and Carmen Leicht-Scholten Chapter 11. Intersectionalities and perceived discrimination in German research organisations: A post-Soviet migrant women’s perspective; Irina Valerie Gewinner Conclusion Chapter 12. Promoting Diversity and Combatting Discrimination in Research Organizations: A Practitioner’s Guide; Clemens Striebing, Jörg Müller, Martina Schraudner, Irina Valerie Gewinner, Patricia Guerrero Morales, Katharina Hochfeld, Shekinah Hoffman, Julie A. Kmec, Huu Minh Nguyen, Jannick Schneider, Jennifer Sheridan, Linda Steuer-Dankert, Lindsey Trimble O’Connor, and Agnès Vandevelde-Rougale
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Emerald Publishing Limited
229 mm
152 mm
25 mm
P, UP, 06, 05
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Biographical note

Clemens Striebing is a Senior Researcher with a focus on organization research at the Center for Responsible Research and Innovation (CeRRI) of Fraunhofer IAO in Germany. He studied political science and public law at the Free University of Berlin and received his doctorate in organizational sociology from the University of Heidelberg. At Fraunhofer CeRRI, Clemens deals with diversity and discrimination in the innovation system, organizational cultures and the transfer and exploitation of research outputs. His experience includes management of and participation in numerous national and international research projects for public and private clients. Clemens teaches demand-oriented and diversity-sensitive innovation development at TU Berlin.

Jörg Müller is a Researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) at the Open University of Catalunya (UOC) in Barcelona, Spain where he forms part of the Gender and ICT research program. He obtained his PhD in Communications at the European Graduate School (EGS) in Saas-Fee, Switzerland and holds a degree in Sociology and Computer Science from the Free University in Berlin, Germany. He has been an expert adviser to the European Commission DG Research and Innovation. Main research interests include practice-based approach to gender (in)equality, the science of team science, and new, data intensive research methods within the social sciences. He has been coordinating the European projects “GenPORT – Your gateway to gender and science resources” (2013-2017), GEDII – “Gender-Diversity-Impact” (2015-2018) , and “ACT - Communities of Practice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe.” (2018-2021).

Martina Schraudner holds the Chair "Gender and Diversity in Technology and Product Development" at the Technical University of Berlin, developed the Center for Responsible Research and Innovation at Fraunhofer IAO and is a board member of the acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering. Martina deals with methods, instruments and processes that make diversity accessible to organizations and companies. With a PhD in biology from Technical University of Munich, Martina has held various positions at the German Research Center for Environmental Health (gsf), ETH Zurich and Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ). She is active in national and international committees for application-oriented research and innovation projects, among others as director of the Gendered Innovations Webpage, member of the Gender Summit Committee and the "Structural Change" group of experts of the EU.