<p> <i>“…forcefully and effectively opposes cultural models that strongly dichotomize social reproduction and social recreation.”</i> <b> · JRAI</b></p> <p> <i>"an interesting anthropological attempt, or, rather, an impressive empirical contribution to exploring diverse contemporary themes in modern sports and leisure activities. In many ways, their book, which comprises nine different and exciting empirical cases covering a rich ethnographic area, intends to expand and broaden the term 'sport' as something more than just purely being an activity carried out for mental, physical or bodily restitution; it is a site of meaning production as well as consumption performed by individuals across the globe. ... the book represents an important contribution to the study of leisure."</i> <b> · Idrottsforum.org</b></p>
Biographical note
Simon Coleman, Professor of Anthropology at Sussex University, spent 11 years at Durham University as Lecturer and then Reader in Anthropology and Deputy Dean for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health. He obtained his undergraduate degree and PhD from Cambridge, and was a Junior Research Fellow in both Churchill College and St John's College, Cambridge. His books include The Globalisation of Charismatic Christianity (Cambridge UP 2000), Tourism: Between Place and Performance (ed. with Mike Crang, Berghahn 2002) and Pilgrim Voices (ed. with John Elsner, Berghahn 2003).