<p>"It is a valuable addition to the vibrant literature that has sprung up around the intersection of medical anthropology, feminist studies, and science and technology studies. ...the collection is highly readable. ...eminently suitable for use in graduate and undergraduate teaching and will be indispensable reading for scholars in the many fields upon which it touches." -- <em>Medical Anthropology Quarterly</em>, December 1999<br />"This delightfully diverse collection introduces scholars to watch as it presents the possibilities for the future of our species: Will we remain humans, or become monsters?." -- <em>Village Voice</em><br />"...fascinating collection of essays..." -- <em>Shift</em></p>
Biographical note
Robbie Davis-Floyd is a Research Fellow at the University of Texas, Austin. She is the author of Birth as anAmerican Rite of Passage (1992) and co-editor of Childbirth and Authoritative Knowledge: Cross-CulturalPerspectives (1997). Joseph Dumit is an NIMH Research Fellow in the Department of Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is the co-editor of Cyborgs andCitadels: Anthropological Interventions in EmergingSciences, Technologies and Medicines (1997) and is assistant editor of Culture, Medicine and Society.