<p>"It is wonderful news to have this classic text made available for a new generation of scholars, teachers and most important of all, contemporary undergraduates who were born after the reemergence of modern feminism in the US in the 1970s. Highly recommended for classroom use." -- Carol Joffe, author of <em>Doctors of Conscience: The</em><em>Struggle to Provide Abortion Before and After Roe V. Wade</em><br />"[A] modern classic.a valuable resource for scholars, students and activists. Highly recommended!" -- Steven M. Buechler, author of <em>The Transformation of the Woman</em><em>Suffrage Movement</em><br />"<em>Controversy and Coalition</em> is a highly readable, intellectually stimulating account of the US women's movement." -- Suzanne Staggenborg, author of <em>Gender,</em><em>Family and Social Movements</em><br />"<em>Controversy and Coalition</em> has long served as the classic text on the American women's movement." -- Leila J. Rupp, author of <em>Worlds of Women: The Making of an International</em><em>Women's Movement</em><br />"The best analysis of the recent American women's movement." -- Linda Gordon<br />"A superb text. <em>Controversy and Coalition</em> frames the fundamentals of feminist politics in the US in highly readable prose without sacrificing either subtlety or complexity. With the new introduction situating the American feminist movement internationally, this third edition is far and away the best introduction in print to the American women's movement." -- Mary Fainsod Katzenstein, author of <em>Faithful and Fearless: Moving</em><em>Feminist Protest Inside the Church and Military</em></p>
Biographical note
Myra Marx Ferree is Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. She is the series editor for Routledge's Perspectives onGender series. Beth Hess is Professor of Sociology at County College of Morris in New Jersey.