<i>`It is fair to state that the authors have succeeded in providing a stimulating and at times challenging treatment of the issues associated with working with textual data. This text will be of particular value to those seeking to understand the latest developments in computer analysis of textual data and the associated possibilities. It is particularly timely as the business related disciplines (management, strategic management and marketing, and consumer behaviour) appear to be showing a degree of disillusionment with quantitative methods and turning their thoughts towards the richer possibilities of qualitative research.... Each section is preceded by an excellent introductory chapter. Indeed, it is a major positive feature of the text that these introductory chapters not only provide the usual overview or summary of the material that is to follow, but also present a creative and valuable exposition of the content in their own right.... An interesting discussion of the functions of coding is provided and there is an extended case study of a user′s software experience.... an excellent text which should be read by all management researchers and may be suitable as a text for PhD and other advanced research courses′ - <b>Management Learning
<p><i><b>`It is not expensive for 210 pages packed with detail, and with contributors widely distributed thanks to e-mail; although US and Europe predominate′ - <b>Changes</b></b></i></p>
<p><i><b><b>`What Kelle and collaborators Prein and Bird have provided is a highly unique and stimulating contribution to this topic. Investigators using qualitative methods and pondering the use, implications and potential of computers for analytic purposes should find this text to be a provocative addition to the literature′ -<b> Computers in Nursing</b></b></b></i></p>