<i> Captured by Aliens?</i> represents hundreds of hours of research and decades of knowledge acquired by Nigel Watson. The citations are clear and abundant. It is a useful research too as well as a significant work on mapping social aspects of the alien abduction phenomenon”—<i>The UFO Trail</i>
“This is an important book and one which I recommend.”—<i>Magonia Review of Books</i>
New Hampshire couple Betty and Barney Hill provided Americans with what is essentially the original alien abduction story. Since their story became public in the early 1960s, many thousands of Americans have likewise come forward with similar stories of traumatic experiences. Sometimes the abductee has little conscious recollection of these events, but through nightmares, dreams, flashbacks and hypnosis they eventually learn more. Sometimes the participants are bewildered. To get a better understanding of the opposing viewpoints of skeptic and believer, the Betty and Barney Hill case is used to examine the wider context of such encounters, their historical origins, media influences and the latest extraterrestrial, psychological, paranormal, conspiracy and sociological theories that surround them.
Foreword by Peter Rogerson
1. Are We the First?
2. Mind Games
3. A History of Abductions
4. Contactees and Space People
5. Alien Intercourse
6. Ufological Origins
7. Alien Appearances and Evidence
8. Alien Movies and TV
9. Psychology of Abductions
10. Reviewing the Hill Case
11. Questions and Conundrums
Further Reading and Notes