<i>‘Wow, a brief, yet concise overview on youth studies in 200 pages. Showcasing the key areas the reader will find a rich view on primarily Anglo-Saxon youth sociology and an intriguing input for multifarious academic and non-academic discussions and debates in the field of youth research.’</i>
- Hans Dietrich, Institute for Employment Research, Germany,
<i>‘This timely book provides a fresh outlook on youth sociology, using historical perspectives to highlight the contrasts between different theories in the field while critically analysing contemporary scientific and methodological debates. This important book will help to illustrate how youth studies contributes to the social sciences.’</i>
- Helena Helve, University of Tampere and University of Helsinki, Finland,
<i>‘Williamson and Cote cover philosophical, epistemological, and political underpinnings of youth studies in a highly accessible manner. Their historical, cross-national, multidisciplinary, and multimethod perspectives distinguish this book from works arising from distinct academic “silos.” Fresh insights on school-to-work transitions, youth culture and policy illuminate difficulties confronting young people today.’</i>
- Jeylan Mortimer, University of Minnesota, US,