<p>"Race, Ethnicity, and Multiculturalism provides important analyses of structural and socio-organizational factors in schools, classrooms, and communities that make a real difference in the academic achievement of all children. Each chapter makes a real difference in the academic achievement of all children. Each chapter moves beyond analysis of these factors to sets of ideas and strategies that are universally applicable and are aimed at constructing what Hall terms 'equity pedagogy', involving a rejection of tracking and ability grouping and the substation of high expectations, a common academic core curriculum, and critical thinking skills for all students. Hall does a fine job of outlining policy implications and provides a first-rate introduction to the orientations taken by the contributing authors." -- Kathy Borma, Professor in the Department of Anthropology, David c. Anchin Center at the University of South Florida<br />"The discussion is grounded, both in current theory and literature, as well as in rich, historical perspective that combines psychological, cultural, and sociological viewpoints in interactive ways. The chapters are crisp, articulate arguments written by recognized experts in the field. This work provides an invaluable integration of knowledge, power, race and education." -- Thomas L. Good, Professor of Educational Philosophy, University of Arizona<br />"Provides important analyses of structural and social organizational factors in schools, classrooms, and communities that make a real difference in the academic achievement of all children." -- Kathy Borman, University of South Florida</p>