Campbell has become the rarest of intellectuals... a serious thinker who has been embraced by popular culture.
- Newsweek, .
One cannot but admire the width and diversity of Joseph Campbell's scholarship. Campbell's great gift is for fluent and engaging exposition.
- New Society, .
Looks at the myths, rituals and legends of the Western world... The human race is united not just biologically but also spiritually, by ... continually recurring themes, subjects and stories... It is an extremely thorough contribution to our knowledge of the origins of the legends, themes and symbols which are integral to modern culture, both Eastern and Western.
- Tribune, .
Campbell's words carry extraordinary weight, not only among scholars but among a wide range of other people who find his research down mythical pathways relevant to their lives today.
- Time, .
Campbell's masterwork... has inspired passages connecting with the luminously permanent, beyond gender, beyond time.
- The Guardian, .