“The 247-page book deals with Norbert Elias’ view of some sociogenetic and psychogenetic processes in Ghanaian society, including its civilizational processes. … the public will at last be able to read at first hand, and in the light of informed empirical and theoretical oriented discussions, the core of the positions Elias held with regard to low differentiated non-Western societies. Aware readers will thus be able to see for themselves that his positions … .” (David Sierra G, Figurations, Newsletter of the Norbert Elias Foundation, Issue 59, June, 2023)
Biographical note
Norbert Elias was an essential sociological theorist who coined the need for a ‘reality congruent’ orientation of big history.
The Editors
Prof. Dr Dieter Reicher teaches sociology at the University of Graz. Together with others, he has already edited works by Norbert Elias.
Dr Adrian Jitschin works at the FernUniversität in Hagen. He is Elias’s biographer. In addition to multiple biographical publications on Elias, his volume on the young Elias is the standard work on the subject.
Arjan Post is an independent sociologist and teaches ‘Big History’ at the University of Amsterdam. He is the secretary of the Norbert Elias Foundation.
Dr Behrouz Alikhani is teaching Sociology at the University of Münster and Pedagogy at the University of Hildesheim.