"We think in words. A careful discussion of the words we use helps us to think more clearly about modern western society. All academic libraries catering for the humanities or social sciences should consider requiring a reference copy, as should those public libraries which still feel their mission is to assist their readers in thinking clearly, rather than just to provide them with entertainment." <i>Martin Guha, King's College London</i>
Biographical note
Lawrence Grossberg is Professor of Communication Studies at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He co-edited the seminal volume Cultural Studies (l990) and is the author of We Gotta Get Out of this Place (1992) and Bringing it All Back Home (l997). He also co-authored Media-Making: Mass Media in Popular Culture (with Ellen Wartella and D. Charles Whitney, l998).
Tony Bennett is Professor of Sociology at the Open University. He is the author of The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics (l995) and Culture: A Reformer’s Science (l998), and is co-editor of Culture in Australia: Policies, Publics, and Programs (with David Carter, 2001).
Meaghan Morris is Chair Professor of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University. She is the author of The Pirate’s Fiancée: Feminism, Reading, Postmodernism (1988), Translation and Subjectivity (l997), and Too Soon Too Late: History in Popular Culture (l998), and is co-editor (with John Frow) of Australian Cultural Studies: A Reader (l993).