Biographical note
Maria Teresa Russo, PhD, is Professor of Moral Philosophy and Bioethics at Roma Tre University. She is also a member of the scientific board of Italian and International journals. Her research focuses on Spanish and French contemporary philosophy, ethical issues of healthcare and embodiment, with special reference to Women’s Studies. Her works include: Olfaction: An Interdisciplinary Perspective from Life Sciences to Philosophy (2021); The human body as a problem in post-modern culture (2020) and Per un éthos dello spazio urbano e domestico: il contributo della filosofia delle donne (2017).
Antonio Argandoña is Emeritus Professor of Economics and Business Ethics, IESE Business School, University of Navarra. His research interests include business ethics, social responsibility, and home issues. His most recent books are The Home: Multidisciplinary Reflections (2017), People, Care and Work in the Home (2020) and The Home in the Digital Age (2021).
Richard Peatfield qualified from the University of Cambridge and the Middlesex Hospital and trained in General Medicine and Neurology in London and Leeds. He has been Consultant Neurologist, Princess Margaret Migraine Clinic, Charing Cross Hospital, honorary Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London and he was the book review editor for Cephalalgia.