“<em>In highlighting the multiple identities of Hadrami communities in the diaspora and the degree of their adaptability in host countries, Manger produces rich historical and ethnographic accounts that address their situations in Singapore, Hyderabad, Sudan, and Ethiopia through the colonial, postcolonial, nation-state formation, and globalization periods.</em>”<b> · </b><strong>American Anthropologist</strong></p>
“<em>While the book's focus is largely historical…, the analyses of Hadrami identity, social order, and religious change are first-rate</em>.”<b> · </b><strong>Choice</strong></p>
“<em>…the text is well written and readable and this book will be a useful text for migration studies scholars, dealing as it does with a multicentred diaspora – or perhaps ‘diasporas,’ since the author suggests that Hadramis constitute a collection of diasporic communities with little in common but a point of departure. The text’s wide focus will be of particular value to readers who are not familiar with the societies in question.</em>”<b> · </b><strong>Anthropos</strong></p>
<i>"A fascinating subject, based on extensive fieldwork and excellent case studies of diaspora communities."</i><b> · Christopher Davidson</b>, Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Durham, UK</p>
Biographical note
Leif Manger is a Professor in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Bergen. His recent publications include, Diasporas Within and Without Africa: Dynamism, Hetereogeneity, Variation (co-edited with Munzoul A.M. Assal, Uppsala 2006). He has published works on trade, communal labor, and socio-cultural processes of Arabization and Islamization.