"A welcome addition to the study of migration and aging, this volume explores ambition, intimacy, and other aspirations as elders envision a good life and craft new vistas in later years. Ethnographically vivid fieldwork draws the reader into the uncertainties and elations of intergenerational households of transmigrants, returnees, and refugees." <br />
- Michele Ruth Gamburd, author of Linked Lives: Elder Care, Migration, and Kinship in Sri Lanka
“This important volume advances the idea that people do have aspirations all through the life course and that we need to know more about their thoughts, choices, and how they dynamically engage with cultural scripts about aging."<br />
- Sherylyn Briller, professor of anthropology at Purdue University
Biographical note
MEGHA AMRITH leads the "Ageing in a Time of Mobility" research group at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, Germany. She is the author of Caring for Strangers: Filipino Medical Workers in Asia and co-editor of the volume Gender, Work, and Migration.
VICTORIA KUMALA SAKTI is a postdoctoral researcher in the "Ageing in a Time of Mobility" research group at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, Germany. This is her first book.
DORA SAMPAIO is an assistant professor in the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. She is the author of Migration, Diversity and Inequality in Later Life: Ageing at a Crossroads.