<p>From the reviews:</p> <p></p> <p>"The main objective of Voting Procedures under Uncertainty is to clarify how uncertainty pertains to the performance of voting procedures. This significant task is successfully undertaken … . this book is a useful, refreshing and challenging reading for students and researchers of collective decision making." (S. Nitzan, Journal of Economics, Vol. 80 (3), 2003)</p> <p>"For the person interested in a ‘reader friendly’ introduction to the mathematics of voting theory, an outline of some of the more recent contributions to this area, or a reference book with references to the main results, I highly recommend Nurmi’s book." (Donald G. Saari, Mathematical Reviews, 2004 d)</p> <p>"The author considers the impact of various types of uncertainty on social choice theory, and especially voting theory. … The explanations are clear and accompanied by either simple theoretical examples or ones drawn from recent political experience. The book contains a wealth of information for the interested reader." (Duncan J. Melville, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1018, 2003)</p>