This well-written, empirically grounded collection should be seen as the beginning of a conversation about the relationship between the market and marketing practice, and provides scholars in marketing and beyond with much intellectual food for thought ... Clear, well-written and engaging ... essential reading for postgraduate students of marketing.
Times Higher Education
The disjunction between the study of markets and marketing is as disturbing as it is surprising. We face a challenging situation to which this outstanding collect of contributions provide useful and scholarly guidance. Let us hope that not only many marketing scholars but also economists and sociologists first read this volume and then are stimulated enough by it to start a major development in marketing academe to, as the editors note, 'get marketing back into markets'.
Robin Wensley, Professor of Policy and Marketing at Warwick Business School, Director of ESRC/EPSRC AIM Research Initiative
What happens when Science and Technology Studies examines the worlds of marketing? You get exciting studies in cases ranging from grocery stores and gas stations to Fair Trade and frequent flyer programs. This is a wonderful contribution to the new economic sociology of material practices.
David Stark, author of The Sense of Dissonance: Accounts of Worth in Economic Life and Arthur Lehman Professor of Sociology and International Affairs, Columbia University
The volume Reconnecting Marketing to Markets makes timely and valuable contributions to a topic growing in importance in the world today-markets. It should be required reading for marketing scholars and practitioners, public policy regulators and activists, as well as economists and economic sociologists concerned with how markets operate. By examining markets as hybrid socio-economic configurations and detailing the performative knowledge that frames practical outcomes, the essays in this book offer practical and theoretical insights into how agents advance their interests in producing value, achieving scale, and destabilizing and stabilizing markets.
Lisa Peñaloza, Professor of Marketing, EDHEC Business School and editor, Consumption, Markets, Culture
Reconnecting Marketing to Markets represents a critically important, major, and long-overdue beginning at addressing the ironic problem of a lack of understanding of markets and their relationship to marketing practices within academic marketing. It is a must read for all serious market scholars and practitioners.
Stephen L. Vargo, Shidler Distinguished Professor and Professor of Marketing, University of Hawaii at Manoa