Biographical note
Kadri Täht is Associate Professor at the Institute of International and Social Studies at Tallinn University, Estonia. She got her BA in Sociology from rtu University, Estonia; her MA from Lancaster University and the CEU; UK and Poland; and her Ph.D. at the VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She has carried out research projects on Higher Education and the Labor Market, on Lifelong Learning, and Work-Family Reconciliation. Her current research focuses are social inequality in post-socialist societies and social exclusion of youth in Europe. Kadri Täht has published in journals relevant for her research area, including the Journal of Marriage and Family, and has acted as a reviewer among others for International Sociology, European Sociological Review and Journal of Family Issues.
Melinda Mills is Nuffield Professor of Sociology at Nuffield College and Head of the Department of Sociology at the University of Oxford. She received her MA in Sociology at the University of Alberta, Canada and Ph.D. in Demography at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Since 2012, she has been the Editor-in-Chief of the European Sociological Review and is the Principal Investigator of the ERC funded SOCIOGENOME project ( Her main areas of research include fertility, partnerships, work-family reconciliation, work scheduels, biodemography and sociogenomics. Her current projects examine late motherhood and the social an
d genetic influences on fertility and family behaviour. She recently published an introductory book on survival and event history methods using the statistical programme R.