<p>"We all think we understand Christmas based on our own experiences and memories. It wasn’t until I encountered Hancock’s work that I learned how inadequate my own understandings were, and how surprised the ancient pagans, the early Christians, and even 19th-century merchants would have been with how Christmas continues to evolve and its varied roles in our lives. You will be fascinated and challenged by what you read here (and incidentally and importantly, I still believe in Santa Claus, of course)." <b>Professor Jean M. Bartunek</b>, <i>Boston College, USA</i></p><p>"This book is unique, fascinating and thought-provoking. It provides a comprehensive overview of Christmas as a global phenomenon, followed by a critical analysis that places it within an organizational context. The book is a must-read not only for those interested in Christmas but also for those engaging in broader conversations about organization and organizing." <b>Dr José-Carlos García-Rosell</b>, <i>Associate Professor, University of Lapland, Finland</i></p><p>"Christmas is capitalism in all its needy madness, but in this beautiful book, Hancock shows us why even the most miserable should pay it some serious attention. He both enchants and dissects the festival at the same time, showing the labour of Santa and the engineering of magic. I would be pleased to give this book to someone as a present. Just not at Xmas." <b>Professor Martin Parker</b>, <i>University of Bristol, UK</i></p><p>"The best science engagements are those that highlight the amazing weirdness of that which we take for granted. Professor Hancock’s book is exemplary social theory, and cunningly unpacks (<i>sic) </i>and problematizes the Christmas that we all know and thought we loved. This is social science at its finest!"<b> Professor Alf Rehn</b>,<b> </b><i>University of Southern Denmark, Denmark</i></p>
Biographical note
Philip Hancock is a Professor of Work and Organization at the University of Essex. He is a member of the Centre for Work Organization and Society, and his work on organizational aesthetics, spatiality, and the challenges of working at Christmas has been widely published in international journals and edited collections.