<i>‘This carefully syntheized analysis of labor patterns across different countries in the European Union and the United States is extremely well organized and rich in content. . . Hofäcker deserves praise for his important and timely scholarship.’ </i>
- Tracey Ellen Ryan, Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books,
<i>‘. . . well written and presents a wealth of data clearly. . . a useful resource for scholars seeking to go beyond generalisations about early retirement whether they be gerontologists, economists with interests in pension policies, or social historians who wish to investigate the perplexities of ageing societies at a time when retirement curiously seemed to be occurring earlier.’</i>
- Jill Manthorpe, International Journal of Ageing and Later Life,
<i>‘It is an excellent source for those seeking to access the key debates in the literature surrounding age and the labour market. . . he succeeds in providing an erudite cross-cultural examination with his findings making a strong contribution to our understanding of retirement patterns using large-scale panel data for 14 countries drawn from OECD, Eurostat and EC data.’</i>
- Kathleen Riach, Work, Employment and Society,
<i>‘. . . the book can be recommended to all with an interest in the issue of older workers in a globalised world.’</i>
- Ageing and Society,