<i>'Iammarino and McCann bring together their own wide-ranging research into multinationals, as well as industrial clusters, the shed light into how firms are developing new strategies aimed at gaining access to strategic knowledge and technology in particular subnational locations, typically world cities that are linked into global innovation networks.'</i>
- David W. Edgington, Economic Geography,
<i>‘This book on multinationals and economic geography by two world leading economic geographers is a landmark that provides an integrated and dynamic perspective on the economic geography of the multinational enterprise. . . This book is an absolute “must-read” for any scholar and any student that is interested in multinationals and their location.’</i>
- Ron Boschma, Utrecht University, the Netherlands and Lund University, Sweden,
<i>'. . . the authors adopt a rigorous textbook approach, with a particularly detailed coverage of relevant empirical studies and findings of recent trends and phenomena . . . The convergence of ideas and arguments between IB and economic geography, the combination of which is intended to jointly develop a more holistic understanding of economic activity dispersed across space, has definitely taken off, and this book most certainly constitutes an invaluable toolkit for anyone wishing to contribute to this emerging and vibrant area of IB scholarship.'</i>
- Lucia Piscitello, Journal of International Business Studies,
<i>‘. . . the authors must be highly credited as being among the few economic geographers and regional scientists next to scholars from the international business and management fields responsible for building sustainable bridges across various disciplines with regards to developing a spatial MNE research. Therefore, the book offers an exceptional read and a brilliant conceptual and empirical analysis based on two decades of the authors’ own work with manifold astonishing examples framed by illustrative and informative boxes and features with current data useful for application to everyone interested in MNE in general, and to a wide array of academic scholars from economics, organisational studies, management science as well as international business and economic geography in particular. Ultimately, the book presents an important milestone towards a more balanced three-legged stool of MNE research with reference to the location dimension.’</i>
- Lech Suwala, Regional Studies,
This unique book will prove a fascinating read for academics, students and researchers across a broad range of areas including geography, economic geography, regional science, international business and management, innovation studies, economic development. Professionals such as corporate managers and policymakers in these fields would also find this book to be of great interest.