Contents: Foreword, Matthias Ruete. Part I Introduction and Theoretical Background: Introduction and overview, Martin Schiefelbusch and Hans-Liudger Dienel; Methodological and conceptual challenges of comparisons across sectors and periods, Christian Henrich-Franke; Infrastructure and fragmentation: the limits of the integration paradigm, Jens Ivo Engels; Archetypes of international infrastructural integration, Gerold Ambrosius. Part II Case Studies: Two hundred years of failed tariff policy: a comparison of the Reich Freight Tariff Law and the common customs tariff of the EEC, Christian Henrich-Franke; Visions of rail development - the 'internationality of railways' revisited, Martin Schiefelbusch; Functionalistic spill-over and infrastructural integration: the telecommunication sectors, Christian Henrich-Franke; Transportation infrastructure integration in East Africa in a historical context, Jacqueline Klopp and George Makajuma; From liberalism to liberalization: international electricity governance in the twentieth century, Vincent Lagendijk; 'Wings for peace' versus 'airopia': contested visions of post-war European aviation in World War II Britain, S. Waqar Zaidi; Iron silk roads: comparing interwar and post-war transnational Asian railway projects, Irene Anastasiadou and Aristotle Tympas; Spatial and social effects of infrastructural integration in the case of the Polish borders, Tomasz Komornicki. Part III Comments: The expansion of infrastructures as 'the Second Party Programme': a look at the bright and dark sides of Soviet life, Klaus Gestwa; The challenges of transportation integration in the U.S.A., 1890-1960, Bruce E. Seely. Part IV Conclusions: Key findings of the case studies - a 'meta-analysis', Christian Henrich-Franke and Melissa Gomez; Experiences from comparative historical analysis - conclusions for research and policy, Gerold Ambrosius, Hans-Liudger Dienel and Martin Schiefelbusch. Index.
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