- Includes a keynote contribution by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, alongside specially commissioned articles by Gerda Falkner, Paul de Grauwe & Yuemei Ji, Christian Lequesne and Iveta Radicová
- Contains analytical articles and keynote contributions written by leading experts in their respective fields covering political, economic and legal issues
- The most up-to-date and authoritative source of information for those engaged in teaching and research or who are simply interested in the European Union
- Includes an invaluable guide to EU documents and publications - and the various websites of the EU - together with a chronology of key events
Editorial: Edging Away from the Abyss - The EU in 2012 (Nathaniel Copsey and Tim Haughton)
1. State of the Union (Sergey Lavrov)
2. The JCMS Annual Review Lecture (Gerda Falkner)
3. From Panic-Driven Austerity to Symmetric Macroeconomic Policies (Paul de Gauwe and Yuemei Ji)
4. A New Socialist President in the Elysée (Christian Lequesne)
5. Shock to the System (Iveta Radièová)
6. David Allen: A Tribute (Simon Bulmer, Christopher Hill, Drew Scott and Michael Smith)
7. The 2012 Danish Presidency of the Council of the EU (Ian Manners)
8. The Cyprus Presidency of the EU (George Christou)
9. EU Governance and Institutions (Desmond Dinan)
10. Banking Union as Holy Grail (David Howarth and Lucia Quaglia)
11. Justice and Home Affairs (Jörg Monar)
12. Legal Developments (Fabian Amtenbrink)
13. Stasis in Status: Relations with the Wider Europe (Richard G. Whitman and Ana E. Juncos)
14. Europe and the Rest of the World (Amelia Hadfield and Daniel Fiott)
15. The Eurozone in 2012 (Dermot Hodson)
16. Economies of Member States Outside the Eurozone (Richard Connolly)
17. Chronology: The European Union in 2012 (Fabian Guy Neuner)
The Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) Annual Review covers the major developments in the European Union in the past year. In addition to articles written by leading experts in their respective fields covering political, economic and legal issues, this year’s Annual Review contains a keynote contribution by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, alongside specially commissioned articles by Gerda Falkner, Paul de Grauwe & Yuemei Ji, Christian Lequesne and Iveta Radicová. The Annual Review is the most up-to-date and authoritative source of information for practitioners, lecturers and researchers of European integration, or for readers who are simply interested in the European Union.
Biographical note
Nathaniel Copsey is Senior Lecturer in Politics at Aston University, UK.Tim Haughton is Senior Lecturer in the Politics of Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Birmingham, UK.