As a compendium of data on India's education system and, to a lesser extent its record on eliminating basic health problems and gender inequality, the book is without recent peer.
Financial Times
As a compendium of data on India's education system ... the book is without recent peer.
India Financial Times
The disappointing social statistics from India are today familiar matter, but nowhere will you find as intensive a collation of a number of them as in India: Economic Development and Social Opportunity, by Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen ... writtin throughout in a fine, journalistic style; and it will be a starting point of subsequent discussions on social life in India.
Times Higher Education Supplement
They offer a commentary on data at the level of Indian state governments.
Times Higher Education Supplement
important book
Martin Wolf, Financial Times
In a broad comparative analysis of India's economic development, Dreze and Sen have dealt with a wide range of issues in this book. ... A significant merit of this book lies in the link that the authors establish between economic development and social opportunity. ... A rich selection of statistical data prefaced with a succinct explanatory note, a copious selection of appropriate bibliographical references, and meticulously drawn up indexes (by name and by subject), together constitute material of inestimable value. The strength of this book lies in the facility with which the authors handle complex philosophical and economic issues in an interpenetrating manner. This makes the book a crucially important addition to the literature on India's experience of economic development which students of social science can ill afford to ignore.
The Journal of Development Studies, vol.33, no.5, June 1997