<i>‘This book is an excellent collection of papers that explore a variety of issues related to regional development while progressing the theoretical development of the concept of social capital. . . the variety of perspectives combine to provide an excellent exploration of the theory and related issues.’</i>
- Social Capital Research & Training,
<i>‘This excellent volume combines a rich set of papers linking space and social relationships. It reminds everyone who studies entrepreneurship that entrepreneurs exist in a place - and derive strength from their social networks. This provides a wide view of the exciting world of spatial research in the 21st century.’</i>
- Edward Glaeser, Harvard University, US,
<i>‘In the </i>Handbook of Social Capital and Regional Development,<i> Westlund and Larsson have gathered a truly impressive list of experts on how social capital - an often neglected topic - shapes economic development. A must for all those interested in understanding the dynamics of regional development processes.’ </i>
- Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, London School of Economics, UK,
<i>‘Research into the role played by social capital in shaping and fostering regional development is burgeoning, and rightly so. Many previously opaque and little-understood aspects of local development processes and mechanisms are now increasingly coming to light due to our growing understanding of social capital. This has led to both major empirical and theoretical breakthroughs, many of which are reflected and articulated in this excellent volume, comprising some of the very best scholars in the field. This is a valuable resource for all scholars working on these topics.’</i>
- Philip McCann, University of Groningen, the Netherlands,