‘A Handbook of Cultural Economics <i>is the definitive guide to cultural economics. Short, accessible articles by leading scholars in the field quickly bring the reader up to speed and point them in the right direction for future research. The new edition brings the field to the cutting edge and is a must have for anyone interested in economics and the insights it offers for understanding popular culture and the arts.’</i>
- Alex Tabarrok, George Mason University and The Independent Institute,
The second edition of this widely acclaimed and extensively cited collection of original contributions by specialist authors reflects changes in the field of cultural economics over the last eight years. Thoroughly revised chapters alongside new topics and contributors bring the Handbook up to date, taking into account new research, literature and the impact of new technologies in the creative industries. The book covers a range of topics encompassing the creative industries as well as the economics of the arts and culture, and includes chapters on: the economics of art (including auctions, markets and prices), artists labor markets, creativity and the creative economy, cultural districts, cultural value, globalization and international trade, the Internet, media economics, museums, non-profit organizations, opera, performance indicators, performing arts, publishing, regulation, tax expenditures and welfare economics. This highly commended reference tool will be warmly welcomed on a wide range of courses in the fields of economics, business, management, arts management and cultural and media studies.Contributors: H. Abbing, K. Acheson, K. Alford, O. Ashenfelter, W.J. Baumol, F. Benhamou, M. Blaug, L. Bonet, A.E. Burke, S. Cameron, D.C. Chisholm, F. Colbert, T. Cowen, T. Cuccia, G. Doyle, J. Farchy, V. Fernandez-Blanco, B.S. Frey, V. Ginsburgh, K. Graddy, C.M. Gray, J. Heilbrun, A. Henten, C. Hjorth-Andersen, M. Hutter, W.M. Landes, L. Levy-Garboua, W.A. Luksetich, C. Maule, I. Mazza, C. Montmarquette, D. Netzer, J. O'Hagan, G. Pignataro, J. Prieto-Rodriguez, I. Rizzo, F. Rochelandet, M. Rushton, D. Sagot-Duvauroux, W. Santagata, G.G. Schulze, B.A. Seaman, J.D. Snowball, M. Taalas, R. Tadayoni, D. Throsby, R. Towse, M. Trimarchi, D. Urrutiaguer, O. Velthuis, N.M. Wijnberg, G. Withers
Les mer
The second edition of this widely acclaimed and extensively cited collection of original contributions by specialist authors reflects changes in the field of cultural economics over the last eight years.
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Preface to the Second Edition
Ruth Towse
1. Application of Welfare Economics
William J. Baumol
2. Art Auctions
Orley Ashenfelter and Kathryn Graddy
3. Art Dealers
Olav Velthuis
4. Art Markets
Olav Velthuis
5. Art Prices
Dominique Sagot-Duvauroux
6. Artistic Freedom
Michael Rushton
7. Artists’ Labour Markets
Françoise Benhamou
8. Artists’ Rights
Michael Rushton
9. Awards
Nachoem M. Wijnberg
10. Baumol’s Cost Disease
James Heilbrun
11. Broadcasting
Glenn Withers and Katrina Alford
12. Cinema
Samuel Cameron
13. Contingent Valuation
Tiziana Cuccia
14. Copyright
William M. Landes
15. Costs of Production
Mervi Taalas
16. Creative Economy
Tyler Cowen
17. Creative Industries
Ruth Towse
18. Creativity
Ruth Towse
19. Criticism
Samuel Cameron
20. Cultural Capital
David Throsby
21. Cultural Districts
Walter Santagata
22. Cultural Entrepreneurship
Mark Blaug and Ruth Towse
23. Cultural Statistics
David Throsby
24. Cultural Tourism
Lluís Bonet
25. Cultural Value
Jen D. Snowball
26. Demand
Louis Lévy-Garboua and Claude Montmarquette
27. Digitalization
Anders Henten and Reza Tadayoni
28. Economic Impact of the Arts
Bruce A. Seaman
29. Experience Goods
Michael Hutter
30. Festivals
Bruno S. Frey
31. Globalization
Keith Acheson
32. Heritage
Françoise Benhamou
33. International Trade
Günther G. Schulze
34. The Internet: Culture for Free
Joëlle Farchy
35. The Internet: Economics
Fabrice Rochelandet
36. Management of the Arts
François Colbert
37. Marketing the Arts
François Colbert
38. Media Economics and Regulation
Gillian Doyle
39. Motion Pictures
Darlene C. Chisholm
40. Museums
Víctor Fernández-Blanco and Juan Prieto-Rodríguez
41. The Music Industry
Andrew E. Burke
42. Non-profit Organizations
Dick Netzer
43. Opera and Ballet
Ruth Towse
44. Orchestras
William A. Luksetich
45. Participation
Charles M. Gray
46. Performance Indicators
Giacomo Pignataro
47. Performing Arts
Ruth Towse
48. Poverty and Support for Artists
Hans Abbing
49. Pricing the Arts
Michael Rushton
50. Principal–Agent Analysis
Michele Trimarchi
51. Public Choice
Isidoro Mazza
52. Public Support
Bruno S. Frey
53. Publishing
Christian Hjorth-Andersen
54. Regulation
Ilde Rizzo
55. Resale Rights
Victor Ginsburgh
56. Superstars
Günther G. Schulze
57. Tax Concessions
John O’Hagan
58. Television
Christopher Maule
59. Theatre
Daniel Urrutiaguer
60. Welfare Economics
Mark Blaug
Les mer
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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
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