"The really attractive thing about this book is that it discusses economic development in an evolutionary perspective, with a very detailed catalog of ideal types, but always in a unified theoretical framework. The student will learn a lot about historical development paths, and even more about economic theory." <i>Robert M. Solow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology</i>
Biographical note
John C. H. Fei was formerly Chairman of the Board at the Chung Hua Institute of Economic Research in Taipei, Taiwan. Co-author of five books and more than 75 articles, Fei also served as consultant to organizations such as AID, NPA, UNDP and the National Science Council of Taiwan. A Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he taught at Cornell University and Yale University.Gustav Ranis is the Director of The Yale Center for International and Area Studies and Professor of International Economics at Yale University. Having served as consultant to such entities as The World Bank, ADB, AID, OECD, UNIDO, FAO, UNDP, and the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, Ranis is on the advisory boards, of several third-world research institutions. He has written extensively on theoretical and policy-related issues of development.